Saturday, October 24, 2009


Well, our doctor's visit on Wednesday sure was exciting. I had been feeling horrible all day. My stomach was cramping, and I was just miserable in general (the first time all pregnancy, so I know I'm lucky). It might have had something to do with the fact that BJ and I went the the VT vs. GT homecoming game on Saturday! GO...Jackets!!! OR... maybe it was the fact that the day before I went on a field trip to the Georgia Aquarium with my class in Atlanta. That of course was against my doctor's best wishes, and being stubborn as I am I decided to go anyway.

Speaking of stubborn, our little girl is just about the same way. Let me get back to the doctor's appointment now and tell you a little about what happened. The doctor asked me how things were going, and I told him about the day I was having. I also told him that BJ and I really haven't been feeling the baby move as much. He did my exam -- I'm about 2.5cm and ready to go!! He decided to go ahead and hook me up to the contraction/baby heartrate machine just to check the baby. I was having pretty regular contractions and Kherington of course started going crazy when I was hooked up to that thing (stubborn just like her mom), so he sent me over to the hospital for extra monitoring. I had a lot of irregularity in my uterus at the hospital and 3 good contractions, but not enough to keep me in the hospital. In the meantime, the doctor set up paper work for me to be induced on Tuesday morning, October 27th, if little Kherington does not come before then! I think it might have been because he didn't want me taking any more crazy trips to Atlanta at 39.5 weeks pregnant! Sorry Chip and Liz - we can't make your housewarming party this weekend!

Since then, everything has been going smoothly or as smoothly as it can go when you know that you are about to have a baby at any moment! I finally got all of my lesson plans together since I will be going out on maternity leave starting on Monday. The fact that I'm up and typing this at 6:00 on a Saturday morning shows how great I've been sleeping :)

BJ and I are super excited about seeing our little girl here in 4 days or less. We will keep you posted via this blog, email, and text message. Check back regularly. I just have to convince BJ that he really can blog!

We hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! We are going to enjoy our last one together without babies by watching football, cooking dinner, and getting grad school stuff done!

Bekah and BJ

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