Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Yes!! Only 10 more weeks to go! We just came home from our doctor's visit. I am now going every two weeks! Everything is right on track.

The doctor's main concern right now is the flu/swine flu that is already going around in the schools! Yuck... and yes... I've had a sick one already this year. Needless to say, I've stocked up on Chlorox wipes and hand sanitzer.

My main the fact that Kherington seems to be lodge sideways with her arms/hands up in my right ribs and her feet constantly protruding from my left side! Let's just stay that most of the time, I don't have that cute little beach ball belly that everyone tells me I have. Usually it looks more like I've got a rod sticking out of the side of me!

We will go back in another two weeks and get to hear her little heart again! It's my favorite part. Today the nurse had no trouble finding it - it was a steady 136bpm, too!

BJ and I are looking forward to taking our last trip home before the baby comes this weekend for a shower! We can hardly believe the countdown has officially begun!

Sorry no new pictures this time. New belly pictures and nursery pictures coming soon! Probably after Labor Day when mom comes and we make all of the linens for the room!

Until then, We love you!

Bekah, BJ, Kherington (she was kicking so hard while I was trying to type this that I thought about letting her type her own name :) ), and Dakota!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Yellowstone and 28 week update

Since our last post, Kherington took her first plane trip! She was just about as excited about the turbulance as her mom was. We had perfect weather while in Yellowstone and in Montana. It never got above 75 with 0% humidity... you can't beat that in July! We had a great time visiting BJ's grandparents and family. Here a just a few pictures of Yellowstone.

Petrified Tree

BJ near a hot pool

Great Fountain Geyser (only erupts every 12-18hours... we got lucky)

Old Faithful

I'm now officially 28 weeks/7 months. Time is flying by. I hope it continues to do so now that I've started back to school! I bet it will. BJ and I can't believe that we will be holding our baby girl here in less than 3 months. She is flipping and flopping all over the place now. We can tell where she is and what she's up to. I go back to the doctor on Wednesday, so I will have a new report then! Until then enjoy the pictures and take care... we love you!

The Ralph's