Friday, July 17, 2009

25 weeks

Well, we had an unexpected trip to see the doctor today. I have been leaking (sorry, TMI), and we wanted to make sure it wasn't amniotic fluid. Luckily it wasn't and we were able to see our little girl for a bit while the doctor was checking the fluid levels. Here are the newest pictures. We are headed to Augusta for the weekend!
Bekah, BJ, Kherington, and Dakota!
Check out those cute little fingers!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

24 week belly pictures!!

24 weeks down 16 weeks to go!!

Well, we have definitely made it past the halfway mark! We can hardly believe that Kherington will be here in 16 weeks! I remember how quickly the first 16 weeks went, so I can only imagine the last 16 will fly by too! I haven't had any problems in the second trimester which has been great! Things are just sailing along smoothly.

Kherington is growing by the day and so is my belly! She kicks like crazy, and my stomach moves all over the place. Next time she gets going we are going to try to take a short video, and we'll post it.

Last weekend BJ and I registered at Babies-R-Us, Target, and Wal-mart! It seemed like just the other day we were registering for our wedding! However, this time we were cluelessly roaming through aisle of bottles, pacifiers, blankets, wipes, and car seats! Talk about feeling old. We had a good time at the stores! It even got me so excited that I couldn't sleep that night!

Last weekend was also the 4th of July! It's hard to believe we are half way through the summer! My mom rented a cabin at Hard Labor Creek State Park in Rutledge, GA. All of the Moody girls and significant others were there! We had a great time, and we even played a round of golf! We experienced 5th of July fireworks at a local church! It was a great show for such a small little community! The fireworks really got Kherington kicking!

BJ and I are looking forward to our vacation to Montana in a few weeks! BJ is ready for a break from work, and I'm ready for summer grad school to end and regular school to begin! Last night we were able to have dinner with Beth and Jessie (college friends/roommates/teammates) in Auburn! It was great to see and catch up with everyone! Beth, thanks for the baby blanket!

Look for belly pictures soon and even a belly video!

The Ralphs